Organisation Chain | Airports Authority of India||Western Region - AAI||AURANGABAD - AAI||COMMERCIAL-VAAU - AAI | Tender Reference Number | AAI/AU/COML/ADVT/2017/ | Tender ID | 2017_AAI_1065_2 | Tender Type | Open Tender | Form Of Contract | Item Rate | Tender Category | Services | No. of Covers | 2 | General Technical Evaluation Allowed | No | ItemWise Technical Evaluation Allowed | No | Payment Mode | Offline | Is Multi Currency Allowed For BOQ | No | Is Multi Currency Allowed For Fee | No | | | | 1 | Fee/PreQual/Technical | Unconditional acceptance, Affidavit as per NIT, near relatives details, tenders held other airport | .pdf | | | all others document to be attached as asked in NIT, certified tender doc copy | .pdf | | | Experience as per NIT, PAN, ST, Legal status, turnover details, no dues certificate, IT returns | .pdf | 2 | Finance | BOQ to be submitted in xls format | .xls | | | | | | | | | Tender Fee in ₹ | 15,000 | Fee Payable To | Airports Aurhority of India | Fee Payable At | Aurangabad, Maharashtra | Tender Fee Exemption Allowed | No | | | EMD Amount in ₹ | 6,09,000 | EMD Exemption Allowed | No | EMD Fee Type | fixed | EMD Percentage | NA | EMD Payable To | Airports Aurhority of India | EMD Payable At | Aurangabad, Maharashtra | | | | | | | Title | RFQ for Avertisement Rights at Aurnagabad airport | Work Description | RFQ for Advertisement Rights at Aurangabad Airport. | Pre Qualification | Please refer Tender documents. | Independent External Monitor | NA | Tender Value in ₹ | 1,087 | Product Category | Advertisement Services | Sub category | NA | Contract Type | Tender | Bid Validity(Days) | 180 | Period Of Work(Days) | 3650 | Location | Airports Authority of India,Aurangabad Airport(MS) | Pincode | 431007 | Pre Bid Meeting Place | Airports Authority of India,Aurangabad Airport(MS) | Pre Bid Meeting Address | O/o, Airport Director, AAI, ATS Complex, Jalna Road, Aurangabad Airport, Aurangabad | Pre Bid Meeting Date | 02-Aug-2017 11:00 AM | Bid Opening Place | Airports Authority of India, Aurangabad Airport | | | Published Date | 19-Jul-2017 05:00 PM | Bid Opening Date | 09-Aug-2017 04:00 PM | Document Download / Sale Start Date | 19-Jul-2017 05:00 PM | Document Download / Sale End Date | 08-Aug-2017 03:00 PM | Clarification Start Date | 19-Jul-2017 05:00 PM | Clarification End Date | 04-Aug-2017 03:00 PM | Bid Submission Start Date | 19-Jul-2017 05:00 PM | Bid Submission End Date | 08-Aug-2017 03:00 PM | | | NIT Document | 1 | Tendernotice_1.pdf | RPF (Advertisement rights at Aurangabad Airport) Tender document | 3794.94 | | | Download as zip file | Work Item Documents | 1 | Tender Documents | advtvaau.pdf | Tender document for RFP | 3781.95 | 2 | BOQ | BOQ_1879.xls | BOQ to be submitted in enclosed xls format after filling relevant columns | 237.50 | | | | | Name | Asstt. Manager - HR/Comml, AAI, Aurangabad | Address | Commercial Section, ATS Complex, Aurangabad Airport, Aurangabad | | | | | |