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Home Events Pune - Plyometrics for Agility & Power
Pune - Plyometrics for Agility & Power

Fee Rs. 4,750 incl taxes, manual & DVD, practical trg, GAYO cert approved 7 ISSA CEUs. Discount for Gayo ISSA PFTC students. This fee with discount included in total CCPFT fee.

Faculty: Dilip Heble

It teaches about 90 drills including variations.


1) To equip fitness trainers, sports coaches and strength conditioning specialists with theoretical and practical knowledge so that they are able to safely and scientifically incorporate Plyometrics in their client training programs.

2) To improve mobility and power in lower and upper body through body weight drills

3) To improve mobility, speed and power in lower and upper body through external resistance drills


4) To certify them as Plyometric Specialists after successful theoretical & practical evaluation. 

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