
Home News & Update English Now attend any event in the world without flying there

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Now attend any event in the world without flying there


Teleporting is something that you have seen in the sci-fi movie like “Matrix”.  Inspired by the same Jun Rekimoto, Ph.D., professor, from Japan have tried to bring the relevant concept into the mainstream. The idea does not copy the same but it does remind you of it.  It’s called "ChameleonMask" or a mask with the screen. It’s a human-focused telepresence system also known as “human-uber”. The concept involves a surrogate user wearing a mask-shaped display that shows a remote user’s live face, and a voice channel transmits a remote user’s voice. A surrogate user mimics a remote user by following the remote user’s directions.  The experience for remote user is the same as him attending the event. This idea will be very productive for someone who wants to attend a distance conference but cannot attend due to a busy schedule or any other circumstance.  It will also help them to save travelling cost and time all they have to do is to spend some money hiring John Travolta for their “FaceOff” experience.

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