Hmmm its pretty much bold and direct. Well' I'm not a super ultimate guy, I'm too not even greatest with words. I am just a simple freak after much sufferings and turnmoil, simply waiting for the new dawn. Uhh' I'm a big party animal, a cat person inspired by music, driven by music but not limited by music. I believe music to be the best drug in the world. Yeah' I'm addicted to it and I don't want to get rid of this addiction. I like everything that adds keen enjoyment or jest to my life and anything that is 'lil bit different a 'lil bit weird. Love to go for psychotic, weird and dingy kinda shit. Yup! Life is an everchanging sky and the most important of all that I learnt from my life is not to get intimate with anyone. "YOUR FRIEND IS YOUR CLOSE ENEMY" : Kurt Cobain. Wow seriously what a thought it was. Hell yeah, this is very true. So I don't like to get intimate and I don't want anyone to know what I feel and what I think cuz you know what if they get some sort of an idea of what person I'm then that's fucking too bad which I felt everytime. I do too have an attitude problem but don't worry, my attitude always depends on who you are. I love to smoke cigarettes and listen to rock and that I do quite often. I don't candy coat or put lipstick on a pig. I definitely have a problem with the pozers. Camouflanging identity always turns me off, they've always been a threat to me. I just love for who I am. May be my eyes have not seen the world as much as yours have, so let me explore it at my own way at my own level without unnecessary restrictions and no discriminations.