Pioneer DJ has revealed a new transparent CDJ and mixer. The transparent DJ looks stylist and trendy to new dj night. The transparent models of Pioneer’s CDJ-2000NXS2 and DJM-900NXS2 are, according to a statement, intended to inspire different sound while DJing. And perhaps a new way for music technology and human interaction to equal a different result”. The commercialization of this DJ is uncertain.
The CDJs and mixer are to appear at the artist and fashion entrepreneur’s Figures Of Speech exhibition at Chicago’s Museum of Contemporary Art from 10th June to 22nd September. It is assumed that the DJing mixer may flash attractive lights matching to musical beats and may enhance the mood of the party nights. It will literally give an inside look at all the mechanisms, cables, and housings that live underneath the hood. With transparent CDJ and mixer vibrant rainbow may bleeds through the transparent housing when turned on in the dark.
For more information, visit https://djmag.com/news/pioneer-dj-reveal-new-transparent-cdj-and-mixer
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