Spotify is planning to introduce a new feature for music lovers. A new feature the company is testing out (only employees have access so far) called “Social Listening” allows multiple users to create a collaborative playlist, listen to, and control music in real time. Users will be able to see how many people are currently listening, and anyone can add music to the queue. Once you get connected to Spotify's Social Listening feature, you will show up on the "Already connected" list. While the "Now Playing" UI will show the amount of friends listening. This new feature focuses more on real time experiences, much like turntable.fm before it was shut down. For more information, visit https://www.youredm.com/2019/06/03/spotify-tests-new-social-listening-feature/
Popular Reads, Distribute Your Music on Spotify, Apple, and Amazon Through SoundCloud for Free
#there is a playlist for that: Spotify |
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