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5 Sense Experience for A Successful Event

23-Feb-2019   Author :   Category : Trends & Event Ideas

An attendees experience is what determines an event’s success. The more pleasing an experience is for its attendees, the more successful the event is! To please an event attendee is to make an event pleasing for all the five senses.Here is how attendee’s senses function and coordinate creating a successful opportunity for event managers!

Pleasing an attendee’s eye comes first :

It can be an eccentrically decorated entrance gate for the wedding event, it can be a stage for the event that can be an anomaly to the usual stages, or it can be the entrance passage walkway that can have continuously changing 3d visuals that constantly keeps attendee’s eye engaging. Anything that is  eye-catching will appeal to the attendees. Remember this is the  brick which will be the base for your events, the stronger the rudiments, the stronger the build up!

An example of a visual extravaganza themed Under the Sea is depicted below:


Then joins in the nose:

Once our eyes see an attractively pleasing visual, we decide to engage in other senses as well. Imagine a passage walkway that has fresh flowers/scents that are scattering fragrance at regular intervals! If your venue does not have a passage walkway, you can have aromatic sprays at equal distances, giving attendee’s nose pleasure. A good visual with a bad aroma is good just at sight and then due to the smell the attendee will be out of sight.

The ear is now curious:

All the senses are in constant coordination with each other. If one is pleased by some arrangement, the message is passed on to the other. This curiosity is the 3rd opportunity for you to score. A pleasing instrumental track in the background is one way to please the  attendee’s ear. It can be a recorded track or live music as per the budget. If your event does not have any music, there can be a little bit of anchoring that will not only  please the ear but also guide the attendees. Now your task is over by 50%.

No one can forget the tongue!

This is the only sense organ that most event managers try to please. The traditional belief of,” Nicer the food, nicer the event!” is still dominant is the reason for terming this sense organ as the greediest sense organ! Not only should the food be served as per attendee’s demand, but also it should have the taste as per their demand. Only a good starter served at the attendee’s place of sitting can satisfy the greediest sense organ, serving meals only when they are hot is the way to go. A unique variety of food is something you can experiment with because everyone wants to try the new as it is appealing as and when it is declared. Now all you need to figure out is the finishing.

Pleasing the skin! What?

 Feeling something is what one wishes for after seeing, smelling, hearing & tasting. Good texture on the material that is used in sitting arrangement for the attendees can make them want to feel it! If there is live music in your event, portraying small musical instruments and making others feel it can be a way to engage this last sense! Use of material of a different kind in designing the passage walkway or the stage can be another way to make an attendee want to feel it! 

An example of the colors and textures used to attract is given below .

Keeping a pleasing element for each of the senses is just like knowing the main part of an event, but not limiting the highlights only to that main part, instead of knowing the sub-parts and justifying every sub-part highlight.

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Editor’s Note:
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