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Evolution In Event Technology

17-Dec-2019   Author :   Category : Event Technology

In today’s world with everything becoming digital, there is a software or a technology for everything be it, household oriented, entertainment or even business. Digital connection and prevalence has now become like the oxygen from us.

 Most of the time of our day we are exposed to digital ware in different forms and through devices such as phones, CCTVs, laptops, televisions and etc. Technology has managed to touch every sector of the economy and is ever progressing.

Here is how it has hit the events industry and taken the fraternity by storm!

Now a days live events and technology have a very beautiful relationship, enabling the event to grab onto large number of attendees and standing out amongst other events. Technologies used at events make the event not only an experience but a memory which is everlasting in the public’s mind.

Technology isn’t only used as an entertainment source or an impact concept now a days, with passage of time and new inventions and launches have made different applications and software also for the event production and even the post-event activities.

Technology has managed to cover events all-round be it projections, AI, applications or even event security. Different event management softwares have made event planning, tracking, execution and follow-up very efficient and easy.

Unlike earlier times the progress in technology has been so profound that through different apps and technological channels not only the event planner or the head can interact and use  the event technology but also the other people involved or centric to the event, such as attendees , vendors, clients  and even the common public if they are interested.

Big data is what rules the today’s world hence the different types of operations, functions and features for users of the technology be it right from the record keeping, transactions, updating, networking and etc. Be it event technology or not, technology can now be used anywhere, anyhow and in any form.

The scope of technology is ever increasing and the growth is similar in the events industry. Devices are becoming smarter and systems are becoming more intelligent. Events too have stared utilising technologies such as AR & VR, IOT, 3d projections and mappings amongst many more available in the market and growing day by day.


Winding up

Event technology like every aspect has two sides just like a coin; it can be an ideal boon or a bane. Technology carries a few disadvantages as well, so ensure that the software and functions you plan to use or offer run smoothly and efficiently.

 A seamless and bug-free experience wins over users. A quick tip, do run through and check the different features and operations before the big day or before initiating important event tasks or even putting it out to the public.

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Editor’s Note:
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