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Importance Of Event Data

23-Aug-2019   Author :   Category : Information

Information is golden and now a days, it acts as the currency of the economy and value to it is fulfilling when it is proximal and readily available. Here are the elements that express rolei and characteristics of event data.

Importance and role of data is thoroughly vested in its 5Ws and 1H.

Who- Here we are talking about the attendees that are the event audience and different segments to whom the event data is transmitted or by whom it is supposed to be received. Without event data there wouldn’t be a resourceful communication to the people.

What- Event data consists of the information achieving event objectives like attendee count, event details, briefs and outcome analysis. The most important is what you are communicating in what context and approach and also content of the event data you render.

When- This is when info becomes data of the event, when you schedule it and format it, so that it reaches the people in proximity and to add a cherry on top, the way you want them to see it and they way you design the event or only the amount of event information you want them to know.

Where- Information not transmitted is of no use or value. Data has its users and what stands true to its periphery is the final reach. Data is only valid in the stretch it covers. The more the coverage the more it will benefit.

Why- Like any business entity event data has its own scope, that is event data can broaden, it can be modified and extended through different methods such as following up, viralising and media nurturing. Word of mouth determines the life of the event.

How- You will achieve the required impact only if the event data is transferred or shared in the right manner. Data can be propagated through different channels of communication, choose wisely according to your resources and attendee demographics.


It stands proven that data is king but content generation or creation isn’t enough to popularise an event, proper expression and execution of the event data is also as crucial. The information shared should be valid, relevant, authentic and it should also add value of some sort and most important stand up to event purpose.

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