The key to success for an Event Project lies in the roles and responsibilities of the team, a strength crucial in Project Management.
To ensure event team delivers, three terms must be well defined: Responsibilities, Accountability, and Authority.
1) Responsibility is a commitment to do or perform. Responsibility is shareable – the project team shares the responsibility to perform the work of the project.
True responsibility comes from within – it’s not just delegated, it must be
2) Accountability is about accurate and timely reporting with an emphasis on who is “answerable.”
The word ‘answerable’ is problematic. Flip ‘answerable’ on its head and the word ‘blame’' will appear. It shouldn’t really be.
Consider the compliments handed out to an Event Project Manager, however, if something had gone wrong, the ‘accountability’ generally lands on the head of EPM.
Fair? No. But it happens.
So the need is to define the term accountability as accurate and timely reporting. Also, accept the fact that true accountability comes from within – none of us needs permission to be accountable, WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE.
3) Authority is the right and power to command, enforce process/delivery, sticking to the plan and judge v/v all the above.
That's the integration of responsibility, accountability, and authority of the EPT.
In an Event company, the authority cannot be isolated from responsibility and accountability. In other words, don’t delegate authority unless the individual demonstrates they are responsible and accountable. When all these elements work in unison the EP delivers success.
As a professional in an Event Company, you can get skyrocketing success only if you are responsible, accountable and have been able to get required authority from the management.
Co-Founder & Director:
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